Two Brothers Waiting for a Sister
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If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden. - Claudia Ghandi

Monday, February 22, 2010

Fun weekend...and an incident!

Liam was off school on Friday, but Noah wasn't. I decided to take advantage of this time with Liam and go on one of our special 'dates'. On most of our dates, we go to our croissant place and eat till our belly's can't take anymore. Now as a mother, I really cherish these special moments. So on Friday I got up, asked Liam if he wanted to go on a date with me and headed downstairs to start our day. I was packing Noah's snack for school when I saw Liam coming down the staircase dressed in a shirt and tie. He had missed a few buttons on his shirt and his tie was loose...he had gotten all dressed up for ME. He said : "Look Mommy...I want to be handsome for our date." My heart melted!!! Here is a picture of him on that morning.


When Noah saw Liam in his shirt, he also wanted to wear a shirt like his big brother.


On Sunday, Liam had his ski lesson. He started about a month ago and is doing pretty good. Here is a small video of him going down a slope.



Later on, we got a call from our friends to join them for some outdoor fun. It was such a beautiful day on Sunday...almost Spring like. We met in Chateauguay and headed to a nature reserve not too far away. Chantal, Bob and Maï-Lee were in the car up front and had the misfortune of hitting a dear. The whole thing happened so fast!!! Thank God nobody got hurt. Bob skillfully controlled his car and avoided what could have been a disaster. On the other hand, the deer really got hurt. The police had to come and put the poor animal out of its misery. The whole thing was horrible! Noah was sleeping throughout the whole ordeal but Liam saw the whole thing. He had so many questions. After answering all of them, he seemed to be at peace with the whole situation by the end of the day.  We did end up going to the nature reserve after the incident and had fun walking on a trail in the forest. Here are a few pictures.











Chantalou said...

J'irais bien en "date" avec un si beau garçon. Le problème c'est qu'il trouverait la madame un peu trop vieille lol! Ton Liam est craquant et que dire du petit, adorable!! Félicitations à Liam qui est si bon en ski, on dirait même un futur champion olympique! Quelle belle journée dimanche en effet, se promener dans la nature est si agréable dans ce temps là. Une chance que rien de trop grave ne soit arrivé à Chantal, Bob et leur petite Maï-Lee, il y avait un bon Dieu au dessus de leurs têtes. Tes photos sont superbes ma chère Kathy et ton petit vidéo, très agréable à regarder. Mais au faite, quel âge à ce mignon Liam ?? J'ai une belle Rosa-Lee de 10 ans avec de superbes yeux bridés! ;0))

Chantal et Bob said...

Trop mignon la photo des 2 gars en chemise .... Il est très bon ce Liam en ski ... WOW!

Pouce en l'air CHAMPION!

C'est vrai quelles Sont belles les photos de sorties Nôtre, Une chance que nous avons su apprecier Le Reste de la journée après l'incident Qui nous A touche beaucoup tous!

Je veux un grçon oi aussi pour Avoir des "dates" aussi galantes!

Bisous les amis XXX

Chantalou said...

Recoucou Kathy, ça va? Hein!! Ton beau Liam n'a que 5 ans, mais il est grand, est-ce que je me trompe?? Rosa-Lee est petite, ça pourrait faire un beau couple plus tard, je persiste à le dire lol.Ton garçon est trop mignon pour qu'elle laisse passer sa chance, peu importe l'âge, parole d'une future belle maman hi hi ! Bonne journée, ça doit être la tempête qui fait que je me sens coquine, Chantalou xx

Baba said...
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Baba said...

You have very handsome boys ... their father must be a good looking dude : )

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